Spices and Herbs

Hello visitants, firstly welcome to our free e-learning website Education4Each. Here, almost all the name of  spices and herbs are given in both English and Hindi with their relevant images. We hope this content will be useful to you and will enhance your English knowledge. We tried our best to include all the spices and herbs name, however if we had missed any spices and herbs name then feel free to inform us via comments or our social media networks. Eventually we all are here to learn and gain knowledge. Your feedbacks are valuable and important to us.

Asafoetida in category of spices and herbs
Cardamom in category of spices and herbs
Green Cardamom
Black Cardamom in category of spices and herbs
Black Cardamom
(काली/बङी इलायची)
Coriander Seeds in category of spices and herbs
Coriander Seeds
(साबुत धनिया)
Coriander Powder in category of spices and herbs
Coriander Powder
(धनिया पाउडर)
Cumin Seeds in category of spices and herbs
Cumin Seeds
Caraway Seeds in category of spices and herbs
Caraway Seeds

Black Pepper in category of spices and herbs
Black Pepper
(काली मिर्च)

Black Pepper Powder in category of spices and herbs
Black Pepper Powder
(काली मिर्च पाउडर)
White Pepper in category of spices and herbs
White Pepper
(सफ़ेद मिर्च)

White Pepper Powder in category of spices and herbs
White Pepper Powder
(सफ़ेद मिर्च पाउडर)
Clove in category of spices and herbs

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Cinnamon in category of spices and herbs
Condiments in category of spices and herbs
Fennel Plant in category of spices and herbs
Fennel Plant
(सौंफ का पौधा)
Fennel Leaves in category of spices and herbs
Fennel Leaves
(सौंफ के पत्ते)
Aniseed in category of spices and herbs
Fenugreek in category of spices and herbs
Fenugreek Leaves in category of spices and herbs
Fenugreek Leaves
(मेथी के पत्ते)

Dry Fenugreek Leaves in category of spices and herbs
Dry Fenugreek Leaves
(कसूरी मेथी)
Mustard Seeds in category of spices and herbs
Mustard Seeds
(सरसों के बीज/राई)

Mustard Leaves in category of spices and herbs
Mustard Leaves
(सरसों के पत्ते)

Nutmeg in category of spices and herbs

Parsley in category of spices and herbs

Coriander Leaves in category of spices and herbs
Coriander Leaves
(धनिया के पत्ते)
Mint in category of spices and herbs
Red Chilli Powder in category of spices and herbs
Red Chilli Powder
(लाल मिर्च पाउडर)
Dried Red Chilli in category of spices and herbs
Dried Red Chilli
(सूखी लाल मिर्च)
Red Chilli Flakes in category of spices and herbs
Red Chilli Flakes
(लाल मिर्च के टुकड़े)
Turmeric in category of spices and herbs
Dried Turmeric in category of spices and herbs
Dried Turmeric
(सूखी साबुत हल्दी)
Turmeric Powder in category of spices and herbs
Turmeric Powder
(हल्दी पाउडर)
Musk in category of spices and herbs
Alum in category of spices and herbs
Ginger in category of spices and herbs
Dry Ginger in category of spices and herbs
Dry Ginger
Betel nut in category of spices and herbs
Betel nut
Catechu in category of spices and herbs
Camphor in category of spices and herbs
Garlic in category of spices and herbs
Carom Seeds in category of spices and herbs
Carom Seeds
Salt in category of spices and herbs
Rock Salt (White) in category of spices and herbs
Rock Salt (White)
(सफेद सेंधा नमक)
Rock Salt (Black) in category of spices and herbs
Rock Salt (Black)
(काला सेंधा नमक)
Rock Salt (Red) in category of spices and herbs
Rock Salt (Red)
(लाल सेंधा नमक)
Linseed in category of spices and herbs
(अलसी के बीज)
Poppy Seeds in category of spices and herbs
Poppy Seeds
Soapnut in category of spices and herbs

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Vinegar in category of spices and herbs
Citric Acid Powder in category of spices and herbs
Citric Acid Powder (टाटरी)
Sugar Candy in category of spices and herbs
Sugar Candy
Thick Sugar in category of spices and herbs
Thick Sugar
(दानेदार चीनी)
Dust Sugar in category of spices and herbs
Dust Sugar
(बुरादा चीनी)
Loaf Sugar in category of spices and herbs
Loaf Sugar
Jaggery in category of spices and herbs
Tea Leaves in category of spices and herbs
Tea Leaves
(चाय पत्ती)
Coffee in category of spices and herbs
Mace in category of spices and herbs
Bay Leaves in category of spices and herbs
Bay Leaves
(तेज पत्ता)
Onion Seeds in category of spices and herbs
Onion Seeds
Aloe vera in category of spices and herbs
Aloe vera
(ग्वार पाठा)
Curry Leaves in category of spices and herbs
Curry Leaves
(कङी पत्ते)
Dill in category of spices and herbs
(सुवा भाजी, सोये)
Cudpahnut in category of spices and herbs
Holy Basil Plant in category of spices and herbs
Holy Basil Plant
(तुलसी का पौधा)
Holy Basil Leaves in category of spices and herbs
Holy Basil Leaves
(तुलसी के पत्ते)
Basil Seeds in category of spices and herbs
Basil Seeds
(सब्जा/तुलसी के बीज)
Chia Seeds in category of spices and herbs
Chia Seeds
(चिया के बीज)
Dry Mango Powder in category of spices and herbs
Dry Mango Powder
Clarified Butter in category of spices and herbs
Clarified Butter
Lime in category of spices and herbs
Lemon in category of spices and herbs
Goose-berry in category of spices and herbs

Kokum in category of spices and herbs

Dry Kokum in category of spices and herbs
Dry Kokum
(सूखी रताम्बी)

Pine nut in category of spices and herbs
Pine nut
(चिलखोजा/चीड़फल/ चिलगोज़ा)
Sesame Seeds in category of spices and herbs
Sesame Seeds

Saffron in category of spices and herbs

Screwpine in category of spices and herbs
Screw Pine
Sichuan Pepper  in category of spices and herbs
Sichuan Pepper
Star Anise in category of spices and herbs
Star Anise
(चक्र फूल/बदल फूल)
Vetiver in category of spices and herbs
Muskmelon Seeds in category of spices and herbs
Muskmelon Seeds
(खरबूज के बीज)
Watermelon Seeds in category of spices and herbs
Watermelon Seeds
(तरबूज के बीज)

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Cinnamon Buds in category of spices and herbs
Cinnamon Buds
(नाग केसर)

Cubeb in category of spices and herbs
(कबाबचीनी / शीतलचीनी)
Copra in category of spices and herbs

Coconut Powder in category of spices and herbs
Coconut Powder
(नारियल पाउडर)

Lotus Seeds in category of spices and herbs
Lotus Seeds

Rose Water in category of spices and herbs
Rose Water
(गुलाब जल)

Vanilla in category of spices and herbs
Rosemary in category of spices and herbs
Long Pepper in category of spices and herbs
Long Pepper
Castor Seeds in category of spices and herbs
Castor Seeds
(अरण्डी/एरंड के बीज)
Edible Gum in category of spices and herbs
Edible Gum
(खाने योग्य गोंद)
Sago in category of vegetables, spices and herbs
Stone Flower in category of spices and herbs
Stone Flower
(पठार फूल)
White Musli in category of spices and herbs
White Musli
(सफेद मूसली)
Ashwagandha in category of spices and herbs
Liquorice in category of spices and herbs
Fuller\'s Earth in category of spices and herbs
Fuller's earth
(मुल्तानी मिट्टी)
Ajinomoto in category of spices and herbs
Hourse Bean in category of spices and herbs
Hourse Bean
(कुलथी की दाल)
Black Hourse Bean in category of spices and herbs
Black Hourse Bean
(काली कुलथी की दाल)
Stramonium in category of spices and herbs
Nux vomica in category of spices and herbs
Nux vomica
Sandal in category of spices and herbs
Thymol in category of spices and herbs
(अजवाइन का सत्व)
Opium in category of spices and herbs

Amber in category of spices and herbs

Yeast in category of spices and herbs

Limestone in category of spices and herbs
Chalk / Limestone
(खङिया/चूने का पत्थर​)

Lime in category of spices and herbs
(चूना जो पान में खाते है)
Borax in category of spices and herbs

Alabaster in category of spices and herbs
(संगमरमरी खड़िया/ सेतखली)

Arsenic in category of spices and herbs

Benzoin in category of spices and herbs
(लोहबान/लोबान/जावा के विशिष्ट वृक्ष का गोंद)
Senna Leaves in category of spices and herbs
Senna Leaves
(सनाय/स्वर्णमुखी/सोनामुखी के पत्ते)

Chrome Alum in category of spices and herbs
Chrome Alum
(लाल फिटकरी)

Orris Root in category of spices and herbs
Orris Root

Sweet Flag in category of spices and herbs
Sweet Flag
(बच/घोङ बच/ वस/अग्रगंधा​)
Myrobalan plum in category of spices and herbs
Myrobalan plum

Cinnabar in category of spices and herbs

Gall-nut in category of spices and herbs

Madder in category of spices and herbs

Bitumen in category of spices and herbs
Bitumen / Shilajit

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Copperas in category of spices and herbs
(हराकस/कसीस/ कासीस)
Saltpetre in category of spices and herbs

Litharge in category of spices and herbs

Prickly Poppy in category of spices and herbs
Prickly Poppy
(सत्यानाशी/घमोई/ स्वर्णक्षीरी)
Cactus in category of spices and herbs

Blue Gum in category of spices and herbs
Blue Gum
(नीलगिरी/सफ़ेदे के प्रकार का वृक्ष)
Convolvulus in category of spices and herbs
Kohl in category of spices and herbs
Kohl / Surma
Soot in category of spices and herbs
Soot / Lampblack

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3 comments on “Spices and Herbs
  1. Sonu Yadav says:


  2. b Miranda says:

    Thanks a lot. You are doing a great service to humanity.
    Greatly appreciate your work.

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